martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Chocó will benefit with interconnection proyects.

Electrical interconnection project will benefit five thousand people in region of Chocó

The Institute for the Planning and Promotion of Energy solutions for Non-Interconnected Areas (IPSE), an entity affiliated to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the National Department of Planning (DNP), have presided over the investment of over 74 billion pesos that will enable the provision of energy to an estimated population of five thousand beneficiaries through the continuous supply of electricity 24 hours a day, as a result of their development of a strategy for institutional articulation for the purpose of starting up the El Tigre-Ungía-Acandí Interconnection Project within the framework of the Plan Atrato Gran Darien contract.
Elkin Eduardo Ramirez Prieto, the General Director (acting) of the IPSE stated:: “The Chocó Department is one of the most important areas of influence for the IPSE; there, we have been leading the development of a series of interconnection projects; today, with the support of the DNP, the Ministry of Interior, the Office of the Governor of Chocó, the Plan Chocó contract, the National Federation of Municipalities and CODECHOCÓ, we have been starting the prior consultation processes in order to facilitate the task of carrying out the public works for the El Tigre-Ungía-Acandí interconnection project.”
The network will be ready to be expanded, especially for the benefit of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, after the interconnection has been implemented and following the realization of environmental studies, among others, in order to enable its viability, together with the consultation and participation of the communities.
Likewise, DNP Director Tatyana Orozco emphasized that “The inhabitants of the Darien region have been waiting to receive energy in a manner akin to a dream, because it will make things easier for infrastructure, commerce, tourism and service-related activities as well as productive projects, in order to generate opportunities for development.”

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